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A splendid evening in Dukley Gardens. The concert repertoire includes ancient music of Vivaldi, Handel, Mozart, etc. played in trio or duet.
The evening of classical music in Dukley Gardens
A splendid evening in Dukley Gardens. The concert repertoire includes ancient music of Vivaldi, Handel, Mozart, etc. played in trio or duet.
Exquisite environment as well as luxury atmosphere of Dukley Gardens complex and beautiful view from the private beach where the evening is going to take place, all the above is the key to your good mood and wonderful memories. Sparkling wines of the best varieties our welcome present for the guests of the evening.
You will enjoy the piano trio consisting of:
Anna Erofeeva (piano),
Denise Akchurina (cello),
Tatiana Erofeeva (violin).