• 16 August 2017, Wednesday
  • Budva, Dukley Gardens, Zavala bb, 85310 Budva, Montenegro

The evening of classical music in Dukley Gar­dens

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2760 дней назад
16 August 2017 c 20:00 до 21:30
Dukley Gardens, Zavala bb, 85310 Budva, Montenegro

A splendid evening in Dukley Gardens. The concert repertoire includes ancient music of Vivaldi, Ha­ndel, Mozart, etc. played in trio or duet.

The evening of classical music in Dukley Gar­dens

A splendid evening in Dukley Gardens. The concert repertoire includes ancient music of Vivaldi, Ha­ndel, Mozart, etc. played in trio or duet.

Exquisite environment as well as luxury atmosphere of Dukley Gardens complex and bea­utiful view from the private beach where the eve­ning is going to take place, all the above is the key to your good mood and wonderful memories. Sparkling wines of the best varieties — our welcome present for the gues­ts of the evening.

You will enjoy the piano trio consisting of:
Anna Erofeeva (piano),
Denise Akchurina (ce­llo),
Tatiana Erofee­va (violin).

Phone, Viber/WatsApp: +382 69 946 285



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